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Pc5/Pi3: общие свойства и связь с внешними параметрами
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Поделиться22007-09-23 02:07:45
Квазипериодические возмущения динамического давления SW
Han, DS, Yang, HG, Chen, ZT, et al.
Coupling of perturbations in the solar wind density to global Pi3 pulsations: A case study
J. Geophys. Res. (2007), 112, A5, 000246850100001
A typical Pi3 pulsation is examined by magnetic field measurements
from multiple satellites and ground stations. Low-latitude ground
observations with a wide longitudinal span indicate that the amplitude
of the Pi3 pulsation peaks on the dayside and is gradually decreasing
toward the nightside. This effect and the fact that the wave phase on
the dayside leads that on the nightside, imply that the source of the
Pi3 lies on the dayside. Variations in solar wind dynamic pressure
observed by the GEOTAIL satellite (just outside of the magnetosphere)
are highly correlated with these ground magnetic field variations. We
argue in this case that the global Pi3 pulsation is directly driven by
impulsive variations in the solar wind dynamic pressure. The Pi3
pulsation observed along the latitudinal magnetometer chain at 0930LT
shows significant equatorial enhancement and additional observations
along a latitudinal chain at 1630LT show that the phase of the Pi3
pulsation at high latitudes lags behind that at low latitudes. The
low-altitude polar orbiting satellite Oersted also observed this
pulsation in the dayside inner magnetosphere. The B-parallel to
(northward) component at Oersted is strictly out of phase with the X
component observed at the dip equator below the spacecraft path, which
indicates that the Pi3 pulsation at the dip equator is caused by
oscillation of an ionospheric current. We propose that the Pi3
pulsations at different latitudes are generated by different mechanisms.
Поделиться32007-09-23 14:54:28
Анализ геостационарных пульсаций в 3 полосах ( Pc5, Pc4, Pc3) в зависимости от Dst и IMF
Sanny, J, Judnick, D, Moldwin, MB et al.,
Global profiles of compressional ultralow frequency wave power at geosynchronous orbit and their response to the solar wind
J. Geophys. Res. (2007), 112, A5, 000246850300004
We investigate the global local-time profiles of compressional wave
power in three ultralow frequency (ULF) bands corresponding to Pc3,
Pc4, and Pc5 pulsations using magnetic field data from the
geosynchronous GOES satellites. The global power profiles of the three
frequency bands are studied for low, moderate, and high levels of
geomagnetic activity based on the Dst index. We also consider the
seasonal variation of the ULF power profiles, as well as the effects of
solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF) parameters. For
high geomagnetic activity, we find that the greatest power is
associated with compressional Pc5 pulsations in the afternoon sector;
for low geomagnetic activity, ULF power levels are consistently highest
in the tail region. A summer power minimum in all three frequency bands
is observed in our study of seasonal variation, while higher power
levels occur around local midnight throughout the year. The enhancement
of ULF power by high solar wind velocity and pressure is greater for
the lower-frequency waves. Furthermore, solar wind plasma parameters
have a significantly greater influence on ULF wave power than IMF
parameters like cone angle and northward/southward orientation.
Наташ, Вам может пригодится в связи с сезоной вариацией
Поделиться42007-09-23 15:06:08
А это наблюдения с Кластера, дискретного спектра при широкополосном (скачок) внешнем возбуждении. рассмотрен один случай, но детально.
Eriksson, PTI, Blomberg, LG, Schaefer, S, and Glassmeier, KH
On the excitation of ULF waves by solar wind pressure enhancements
Ann. Geophys., 2006, 24, Iss. 11, 3161-3172
We study the onset and development of an ultra low frequency (ULF)
pulsation excited by a storm sudden commencement. On 30 August 2001,
14: 10 UT, the Cluster spacecraft are located in the dayside
magnetosphere and observe the excitation of a ULF pulsation by a
threefold enhancement in the solar wind dynamic pressure. Two different
harmonics are observed by Cluster, one at 6.8 mHz and another at 27
mHz. We observe a compressional wave and the development of a toroidal
and poloidal standing wave mode. The toroidal mode is observed over a
narrow range of L-shells whereas the poloidal mode is observed to have
a much larger radial extent. By looking at the phase difference between
the electric and magnetic fields we see that for the first two wave
periods both the poloidal and toroidal mode are travelling waves and
then suddenly change into standing waves. We estimate the azimuthal
wave number for the 6.8 mHz to be m = 10 +/- 3. For the 27 mHz wave, m
seems to be several times larger and we discuss the implications of
this. We conclude that the enhancement in solar wind pressure excites
eigenmodes of the geomagnetic cavity/waveguide that propagate tailward
and that these eigenmodes in turn couple to toroidal and poloidal mode
waves. Thus our observations give firm support to the magnetospheric
waveguide theory.
Поделиться52007-09-23 15:31:55
Статистическая работа по авроральным Pc5.
Simms, LE, Engebretson, MJ, Posch, JL, and Hughes, WJ
Effects of the equatorward auroral boundary location and solar wind parameters on Pc5 activity at auroral zone stations: A multiple regression analysis
J. Geophys. Res., 2006, 111, Iss. A10, AR A10217
We have conducted a multiple regression analysis of the effect of
auroral boundary movement on Pc5 power, the pulsation index, and the
product of these two parameters at 17 auroral zone ground magnetometer
stations in both hemispheres in March - April 2001, during which time
several strong magnetic storms occurred. Solar wind parameters observed
by the ACE satellite ( velocity, ion density, and B-z) were included as
additional independent variables in the regression models to control
for their known effects. Auroral boundary data were determined from
particle data collected by the DMSP satellites. The fraction of time a
station was poleward of the equatorward auroral boundary increased Pc5
power, pulsation index, and the product of the two parameters
independent of changes in the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic
field. When data were analyzed by storm onset and storm recovery, this
association was seen only during storm recovery periods. Individual
station analyses showed a reduction in Pc5 power when stations were
equatorward of the boundary, but there was no reduction in the Pc5
pulsation index. However, this association between Pc5 activity and
auroral boundary movement was not seen in simple graphical
presentations; this argues for the value of multifactor analyses in the
determination of the drivers of Pc5 activity, rather than the
individual study of single factors. A more northward B-z correlated
with increased Pc5 power and pulsation index. Solar wind velocity and
ion density were both associated with higher Pc5 activity during
daylight hours.
Прочитаю полный текст, напшу побольше, в частности, про индекс и произведение, но сходу самым интересным представляется связь с положением границы, а некоторые сомнения вызывает техника анализа. Уже традиционно использование Vx - n в качестве независимых переменных (а они зависимы, есть ощутимая антикорреляция) и в ту эе стороны вопрос о положении границы овала как независимого параметра. В общем, постараюсь в ближайшеевремя дать более полную информацию.